How Machine Learning Has Helped Me Grow my Enova Career

How Machine Learning Has Helped Me Grow My Enova Career

By Emily Hammel, Data Scientist

Artificial intelligence. Machine Learning. Deep Learning. Big Data. All buzzwords heard throughout technology companies. But what do all these words really mean in practice?  

Machine learning is a subsegment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) alongside deep learning, neural networks and some others. Machine learning refers to statistical model building and is ...

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Making Business Decisions During a Pandemic

Making Business Decisions During a Pandemic

by Mike Ngan, Analytics Senior Manager 

At the onset of the pandemic, Enova, as with most businesses, decided to reduce risk immediately. It wasn’t immediately clear at the time how the covid-19 pandemic would progress and how it would impact our customers’ financial situations. One of our immediate goals was to quantify this risk — ...

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Adjusting Our Contact Center to Remote Work: Part 2

Ops from Home Part 1

By Jason Such

This is the second of a two part series where we look back on how we planned and transitioned our workforce to a remote work state along with shifting priorities and the way we drove performance to support Enova’s COVID-19 Response Strategy in 2020. In Part 1,we shared how we planned to ...

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Adjusting Our Contact Center to Remote Work: Part 1

Ops from Home Part 1

By Jason Such

This is the first of a two part series where we look back on how we planned and transitioned our workforce to a remote work state along with shifting priorities and the way we drove performance to support Enova’s COVID-19 Response Strategy in 2020. In Part 1, we share how we planned ...

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