Category: Get to Know Enova

My First Year with Enova

By: Jasmine Kent, Account Manager, Enova Decisions

Today on my one year anniversary, I want to take a journey down memory lane detailing how I got here. Before I accepted an offer with my previous company a few years ago, I remember speaking with Enova about another position they had available at the time. Enova ...

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Getting to Know Enova Interns, Featuring Katherine Chen

By: Katherine Chen, S&O Intern


As a Strategy & Operations (S&O) intern at Enova, I had the pleasure of doing the work of a full-time employee and learning the skills that a full-time employee would have. Throughout my internship, I experienced the perks, got to know some awesome people and learned skills in a ...

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Getting to Know our Apprentices

By: James Wilton, Software Engineering Apprentice

How did you get involved with Software Engineering?

My father worked for Packard Bell for most of the time I lived with him, so I was always playing around in DOS, building and upgrading our home system, adding a network connection for gaming, etc. But of course, I had ...

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