Recruiters Head to Campuses in Search of Talent

September 5, 2014
By: Cassie Chico, Corporate Recruiter
If you’ve spent any time on our blog or website, you’ve probably read about the Enova value Top Talent & Teamwork. It means finding the best people available, and giving them the freedom and opportunity to grow within our team. Every year at this time, our recruiting team travels to various college campuses to find the next crop of Enova employees. Here’s what that search looks like:
We start our recruiting trips at the campus career fair, meeting potential recruits and articulating the ways that Enova could be the right fit for them. While we’re interested in talented individuals across the spectrum, we typically focus our search in the fields of Software Engineering, Analytics, Software Testing, and Strategy & Operations — Enova employees from these fields are often in attendance with us, available to answer questions. We spend the entirety of the next day interviewing students, looking for the next group of talented Enova employees.
A common question we’re asked by potential recruits (and one that any graduate should be asking of a potential employer) is why Enova would be the right fit for them. In addition to being ranked as one of Chicago’s Top 2 Generation Y Employers two years in a row, and one of the Top 100 Places to Work in IT, Enova offers a unique kind of freedom to its workers. We give employees the autonomy to not only develop projects and solve problems on their own, but to guide their own growth and career development. This is an uncommon opportunity, and has helped Enova to become a leader in the financial services and tech industries.
Our fall recruiting season will include visits to 13 career fairs on 11 different campuses, in addition to countless networking and information sessions, tech talks, “meet and eats,” data smackdowns and hack-a-thons. Find a full list of our scheduled career fair visits below, and if we’re coming to your school, keep an eye out for us! We’ll be the ones with the best SWAG!
University of Illinois – 9/8/14
Georgia Institute of Technology – 9/8/14
Purdue University – 9/15/14
Carnegie Mellon University – 9/15/14
Purdue University – 9/16/14
University of Michigan – 9/22/14
University of Chicago: Booth School of Management – 9/29/14
Northwestern University – 9/30/14
Rose Hulman Institute of Technology – 10/1/14
University of Illinois – 10/3/14
University of Chicago – 10/3/14
Northwestern University – 10/16/14
University of Chicago: Booth School of Management – 10/22/14