Making Science Fun

By: Theresa Simmons, Trainer
Volunteering at Reavis Elementary Science Fair was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. With the help of Enova’s charitable partner, Chicago Cares, 15 of my Enova Colleagues and I helped 3rd and 4th graders learn just how fun science can be. The children were really engaged and excited about the various exhibits, from creating “slime” to testing the strength of bridges. Another volunteer, Calvin, and I were in charge of creating “bottle rockets,” using Alka-Seltzer tablets, film canisters and water. The kids were eager to participate and decorate their own rockets, and once we explained what made them “blast off,” they were anxious to experiment and try it for themselves. At blastoff time, we had them do the infamous countdown, and – boom! – they saw their rockets come to life. The most joyful thing for me was seeing their faces light up when their rockets took off.
Reavis Elementary School is located in the area where I attended high school, so I was familiar with the neighborhood. It felt good to go back and see the many improvements that have been made. The best part of the experience was working with the children and seeing how quickly they absorb information. They were true sponges!
I believe that by volunteering at Reavis Elementary, the Enova volunteers showed the children that there are so many people out there who care about them and their future. We showed our true Enova colors by “rolling up our sleeves” and giving back. Thanks to the Chicago Cares organization, I have signed up to participate in more volunteer activities.
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