Enovans Take On Tough Mudder

By: Kirk Chartier, Chief Marketing Officer
June 3, 2014
Since 2010, teams of stouthearted men and women led by Alex King have taken on the Tough Mudder endurance event, facing obstacles built to intimidate and exhaust participants. Designed by British Special Forces, the course is a serious test of endurance and teamwork, with massive walls, icy waters and plenty of ground to cover. On May 9 and 10, Tough Mudder came to Chicago, and a group of 18 Enova team members from all over the company were in attendance.
This is the third year a team from Enova has entered the event, and this year’s group had plenty of challenges to push through. “This was my first year participating in Tough Mudder, and it was a blast!” says Kaitlin Arntz, public relations specialist. “The first thing everyone thinks of when they hear about Tough Mudder is how hard it will be physically and mentally. But what I really took away is the awesome power teamwork can have in reaching a finish line that can, at times, seem impossible to reach.”
In addition to the team- and muscle-building, the Enova group can feel proud to be a part of an event that directly supports the Wounded Warrior Project®, a nonprofit organization devoted to helping thousands of armed forces veterans transition back to civilian life. So far, Tough Mudder participants have raised over $6 million for the organization.
Everyone who participates in Tough Mudder comes away with new energy and a drive to stay in shape throughout the year, and for employees at Enova, that’s a little bit easier. The company offers a number of perks that support health and fitness — perks that people can take advantage of to stay healthy and, of course, prepare for next year’s Tough Mudder!
Enova’s Tough Mudder Team:
Kaitlin Arntz
Natalie Borg
Kirk Chartier
Nick Cheong
Paul Cho
Amanda Chua
Lesley Gao
Mert Guldur
Richard Lee
Jeffrey Jonjevic
Joseph Mastey
Calvin Mwesigwa
Ken Park
Monica Sharma
Andy Tan
Heneu Tan
Nancy Wai