Enova Halloween Event

By: Costi Gavrilescu, CPTO (Chief Pumpkin Technical Officer)
HERP DERP is back! And this time, teams brought their all.
What is HERP DERP you may ask? HERP DERP, or the Haunted Enova Robo Pumpkin Doing Electric Roar Project, is an annual Enova Halloween contest, which combines pumpkin carving and technical feat.
In past primitive years, there was a lot of trial and error and projects turned out nice. But this year, the intensity and intricacy was kicked up a notch with bigger and better — and brighter tech components/additions.
With awe-inspiring lighting, sound effects and motorized movements, the impressive pumpkins and teams were awarded trophies in three different winning categories:
- Most Creative
- Spookiest Design
- Best Technology
Votes were tallied and the winners were chosen!
Spookiest Design: THE SCARY FRUIT NINJA!
Best Use of Technology: HELL KITTY!