Anniversary Series: Robert Montesano

As Enova celebrates its 20th Anniversary, we will share stories from some of our most tenured team members to highlight their contributions and reflect on the company’s journey.
Name: Robert Montesano
Years at Enova: 16
Starting Year: 2007
What were your first impressions when you started, and how have they evolved over time?
When I first started at Enova I loved the energy and freedom that was felt within the company. It was easy to pick up on since Enova was smaller than the companies I had previously worked with. As the company has continued to grow and establish itself as a leader in the industry over time, we have not lost that feeling. We still carry that dynamic energy and autonomy I felt when the company was smaller.
What is your favorite Enova Value and why? Has it changed over the years?
Best Answer Wins has been my favorite value from day one. I love the idea of all voices being heard, and I often tell stories of when we have successfully made changes based on input from a variety of people at the company, regardless of rank.
How do you feel you’ve made a difference at Enova?
I feel the biggest impact I have had on the company is setting the stage for many new hires as they start their career here. I have led numerous new hire orientations and training classes, and my main focus is to give new team members a positive first impression of Enova. My strengths lie in my energy and enthusiasm for Enova and developing new hires in training. I have been told that the enthusiasm and passion I have for Enova transfers over to the people I train.
What is your favorite memory of your time at Enova?
The moments that stand out in my mind as my favorite memories here at Enova are those where I worked with multiple people for a single purpose. One specific memory was when we introduced time clocks to the contact center. The entire training team participated in the training and assisted each other during each session. It was a fantastic experience preparing the training and delivering it together as a team.
Any advice for new hires starting their journey with us?
The advice I would give to new hires is to be a sponge. Be sure to get coaching, information and tips from as many people as possible. The people who are most successful in their roles utilize things they learned from various people while still maintaining their own personal style. It is important to be willing to take in as much information as you can from as many people as possible.