Enova: Closing the World’s Credit Gap

January 3, 2013 By Tim Ho, President Enova International Inc.

Imagine your car breaks down, you hadn’t budgeted for the expense and don’t have the cash to get it fixed.  Without a car you’ll have trouble getting to work which will only make matters worse.  Your bank won’t lend you money and family and friends ...

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English Second Language Program

December 26th, 2012 By Lauren Ratcliff, Talent Management

We are happy to announce that our English Second Language Pronunciation and Communication Program is back! Starting on January 8th, selected employees will be participating in an 8 week program with additional one-on-one coaching sessions geared towards not as strong English speakers with more extensive pronunciation issues. ...

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Holiday Party 2012

December 18th, 2012

Last Friday, Enova’s employees spent quality time with their favorite coworkers at our annual Holiday Party. The night included an incredible spread of good food and even better company.

The party was held at Zed451, which overall, was a major success! Props to our recruiting coordinator, Lisa Simon, for planning a night ...

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College Career Fair’s: Do’s and Don’ts

By Laura Franklin, Corporate Recruiter December 12th, 2012

With exams winding down and holiday break upon us, it’s hard to believe that winter career fair season will be in full swing in a few short weeks. Each year hundreds of students filter through gymnasiums stopping at various booths, listening to sales pitch after sales pitch ...

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